What unresolved matters are draining your confidence and time?

Clearing up old business is key to creating more time, space and energy in the present. Being able to handle problems as they arise is more possible when unresolved matters are no longer draining you, robbing you of time, confidence and opportunities. What incomplete projects do you have?

  • Do you have some bad habits or coping skills you want to get rid of?

  • Are there people from your past you would dread bumping into in the street or at a party?

  • Are you wondering why you have unresolved matters in your life?

A great tool for helping us identify old business is the Clean Sweep Program, a quiz you can find on my website. You can click on the download and fill it out in your own time.

What’s the Clean Sweep Program?

It’s a self-evaluation tool with 100 statements divided equally in each of the following four categories:

A. Physical Environment

B. Health and Emotional Balance

C. Money

D. Relationships

For each statement, think whether or not it applies to you and is always true. If so, then add a checkmark next to the statement. If it’s not true, leave it. Examples of the statements include:

  • “My car is in excellent condition (doesn’t need mechanical work, repairs, cleaning or replacing). “

  • “I have had a complete physical exam in the past three years.”

  • “I live on a weekly budget that allows me to save and not suffer.”

  • “I have told my parents in the last three months that I love them.”

Then add up all your check marks. Write down your score out of 25 for each section. Then add up the scores for an overall score out of 100.

The benefit of this quiz is to help us identify the things in our lives that are unresolved or outstanding. It’s normal to start off in the 20 to 70 range. Don’t worry if you are below that; it just means, you have more to work on. With the help of your coach, you can start clearing up those items.

Every quarter or six months, you can redo the quiz to see your progress. Sometimes, just doing the quiz gives us an idea of where the energy drain is coming from. Every time I do the quiz, which is every year, my score improves.

The area I struggle the most with is my physical environment. I am a hoarder and don’t like to throw out stuff. The result of my last quiz taking resulted in some of the following goals:

- Electric kettle needs replacing.

- I abuse caffeine (coffee).

- I need to complete current draft of book.

- I need to prioritize friends and family over busy-work.

With the help of my coach, I will prioritize my list and then tackle it, one item at a time. I thought about not replacing the kettle and just throwing out the old one, curing myself of the coffee addiction in a kind of two-for-the-price-of one move… but I’m really digging the green tea. (Since starting this article, I replaced the kettle and feel great!)

Contact me to send you the free quiz!

Diana Oehrli

The Swiss-American Executive Coach. Founder of As Diana O Sees it. Karateka and pianist.


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